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Kunststation Kiosk Babylon

Preparations for the opening of Kunststation Kiosk Babylon are now beginning. On June, 6th an official opening is being prepared with visiting artst Lin JingJing from Beijing.

A kiosk is an area of sociability, a functional place – what happens when disciplines meet disciplines?

What happens when that well-known declaration ‘Everyone is an artist’ is transferred to sites. It is a debate that has a history  in the city of Cologne since the opening of Kunststation St. Peter, where religion meets art.

When disciplines meet disciplines the first that emerges is a threshold: a threshold that may seem intimidating, a threshold that is bound to question much loved beliefs.

In traditional Chinese architecture the threshold is physically manifest. Often it is a substantial wooden beam painted purple. It brings bad luck if one steps on it. Instead the visitor is required to make one extra large step over it. Passing the threshold becomes a physical act.

These are the thoughts that accompany the current preparations:



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